Expand your culinary horizons and break bread with new and old friends! Our dinner club participants host small groups, with everyone contributing a dish that supports a themed menu, provided by the dinner club committee. Hosts provide the entree, wine and sometimes a side dish, with guests contributing side dishes and dessert. In addition to the at-home dining, everyone gets together as one group in September, when the new season begins, in December for a holiday appetizers evening, and in May or June to end the season. Full information and a dinner club membership form are available here:
Dinner Club Guidelines
- You must be a member of Newcomers’ Club
- Dinner club meets from September to May. We meet as a total group for dinner 3 times a year: September, December and May.
- Monthly dinners are held on the second weekend of October, November, January, February, March and April.
- There will be a monthly theme with some recipes provided.
- Hosts for these dinners are either a couple or 2 people working together. They will be asked to host 2 dinners per year. Traditionally, these dinners are on Friday evenings, but hosts have the option, if their guests agree to have dinner on Saturday night or a different date.
- Everyone is asked to give the Dinner Club committee preference dates at the time of signup for hosting and any dates that you will be unavailable to participate.
- The committee will email each month’s hosts their guest list and a suggested main dish with a recipe in addition to suggestions for accompanying dishes.
Hosts’ Responsibilities
- Usually, you will be hosting 6 guests, for a total of 8 people. There may be an occasion where you may be asked to host 8 people, for a total of 10, people if you can accommodate that number at your dinner table.
- The hosts will provide the main dish, an accompanying side dish and/or bread if needed.
- The hosts will also provide wine and beverages for the evening. Other adult beverages are at the hosts’ discretion.
- The hosts will contact the guests on their list to confirm time, location and assignment of other dishes (appetizer, salad/side dish, dessert).
- Each dish should serve 8 people.
- A schedule of when you will be hosting will be sent out in September for the entire year. Once the hosting schedule is sent out, it will not be modified. You are free to change the date to fit your and your guests schedules so you are still able to host. If you are unable to accommodate a change, it will be your responsibility to find a substitute host.
Hosts’ Responsibilities for Group Dinner
- Set up table and chairs. Set up beverage station (pitchers of water and iced tea) including ice for drinks and chilling wine. Set up plates, utensils, glasses and napkins provided by the committee.
- Allocate space for all food items. The committee will setup and label the food.
- The Dinner Club Committee will be there early to assist with organizing the dinner.
Guests’ Responsibilities
- We understand that your schedule may change later in the year and you may find that you may or may not be able attend as a guest a certain month. If so, please contact Ginny Baikewicz at 970-424-3867 or email her at vbaikewicz@icloud.com.
- If you are unable to attend at the last minute, please alert your hosts. Please make every effort to still make your dish and deliver it to the hosts.
Join The Dinner Club Today!
Download the form below with your contact information, months you will be available to host and months you won’t be able to attend, and your check for $25 (couples) or $15 (singles) made out to Tanya Davis, and mail to her at 2530 Westwood Ct, GJ 81505. There is an August 15 sign-up deadline.
Tanya Davis, tanyat123@bresnan.net